Classification and Habitat

There are some 20000 kinds of bees, all belonging to the insect order Hymenoptera. But in our country its have four species : Apis dorsata, Apis indica , Apis florea and Apis mellifera are most popular with beekeeping industry .A short notes on each kind of these species are given bellow :

I)                   Apis dorsata: It is also called rock or giant bee. They make Largest hive(6 ft long and 3ft deep ).They make single vertical comb, are very industrious, produce about 36 kg honey per colony per year. 

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II)Apis indica: 
 It is also called Indian nee is medium in size. They make single parallel comb on trees, termiteries, hollow of rocks and all kind of cavities. Average honey yield is 3.6-6.5 kg on the hills and 1.3-2.2kg on the plains. The negative quality of this species is that it is prone to swarming and absconding/running away and is helpless against the wax moth

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III) Apis florea:
Primary residence is in Asia. It is called as small bees.
It is the smallest bee and their honey yielding capacity is very low only ½ kg and consistency is very thin. It is found all over the plains, never above 450m. It makes single vertical comb of the size of palm suspended from branches of bushes, hedges, buildings, caves etc. 
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IV)  Apis mellifera:
 Apis mellifera or European bee originated in Italy and then introduced into all over the world. They make also parallel comb and is gifted with all the good qualities of honeybee- has a prolific Queen, swarmless and gentle tempered so domesticable, good honey gatherer and can guard its nest against enemies . They produce about 45-181 kg honey per colony per year.
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V) Apis cerana: It is called as Indian bee or khong bee.Medium sized, golden color and comparatively quiet in nature.Found in dry, shadowy and dark places viz. hole of old trees, earthern pot, sunshade of buildings, occasionally used old almirah, hole of earth etc. Single colony have many combs.Less migratory habit and easy to domesticate. Medium stinging habit, but it is high in swarming period. Absconding is a common phenomenon, specially in case of ill management.In average 10 kg of honey may be produced per colony per year from a productive colony. >Image Source<


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